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Box - End of Degree pop-up Exhibition by Emma Clements at the Bloc in Sheffield.


Updated: Aug 9, 2023

The date for the diary is Weds 30th August 2023 until Saturday 2nd September 2023. 12-6 pm Location - Bloc Projects - Sheffield 2-4 Matilda St

This is an example text of what will be shown at the exhibition of illustrations in a box frame. This is a wooden book with 3d art of a character sitting on a box that is above the city floating like a ballon. Colours are muted, moody and dark.
Girl above the city on a box.

How we are more than tick boxes, how we sometimes do not feel we belong to any box. The visuals are based on my own emotional response to my own boxes and identity as a disabled/deaf person that has never really felt I've ticked any boxes. The illustrations from the exhibition will be collected towards my second book titled "box". Interaction with the Audience - Exploring and decorating your own boxes Come along and decorate/write on your own boxes, which can keep or hang up as part of the exhibition.

Stories are important. I am in collaboration with Sheffield Flourish as a volunteer. Flourish is "a charity that works collaboratively on innovative digital and community projects, recognising the untapped strengths of people who’ve experienced mental health challenges." ( Accessibility - *Please get in touch with access requirements. *I will be looking at having a booking time slot for people that require quieter times. You can at any time book time with me if like me to know you are coming and have me greet you in person. (I know can sometimes have anxiety around turning up and not being sure what to expect.) - Or if need someone to meet you at the door. *I am aiming to keep visuals and information handy. *I am looking into a way to give detailed auto descriptions - At the moment I am offering a guided tour where I will give descriptions. *There is a toilet on site. Artist/Illustrator Emma Clements own access requirements. I am deaf and a lipreader, please feel free to tap me on my arm and shoulder to get my attention. Visual cues such as waving me over. I do not sign past stage BSL (British sign language) stages 1/2 - It is very broken signs (I did not have access growing up to learn) If do sign, please feel free to chat - I welcome a chance to sign with people (Please forgive me if I make a mess of it) Save the date and more information to follow soon. Thanks Emma

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